Editorial 1/2012

Dear Readers

We are delighted to present the new issue on interdisciplinary relationships in music sociology, management and physiology. Contributions are provided by external doctoral students Zuzana Balazsházyová-Ben Lassoued and Anna Hrindová and students of the musicology department, who participated last year in the Faculty of Philosophy’s competition run by Comenius University as part of the Student Scientific Conference in which Miroslava Jakabová won second place. In ‘New Art’, Zuzana Balazsházyová-Ben Lassoued (Canada) deals with music perception in present postmodern time, crossing genres and styles, describing the status of contemporary new music and jazz and the abilities of laypeople and academia to accept innovation. Anna Hrindová (Dubai), an impresario with many years of experience in Czech and Slovak music management in Asia (Kuala Lumpur), presents a proposal for dissemination and popularization of artificial music in her article ‘Educational music programmes and function of the presenter’. She received her doctoral degree in musicology at Comenius University in 2010 with the dissertation topic ‘Accessibility of artistic music by educational projects’. Jana Gálová returns to music and politics, previously published in the Musicologica journal, in her study ‘Music broadcasting on Slovak radio during World War II’. Musical physiology is the next subject, considered in the following two studies. In ‘Pathogen music – harmful effects of music’ Miroslava Jakabová focuses on the intervention of music in musical environments, and the disturbance of concentration during study, headaches and sleeplessness as negative consequences of excessive listening to music and loud listening. In the study ‘Vocals in rock music’, Samuel Tomeček researches human body reaction to tone creation by using different vocal techniques in a historical development of rock music.

The studies are briefly described below.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Yvetta Kajanová